Google Earth Map Marks Temple Mount Palestinian

While Jerusalem serves as Israel's capital, and the Temple Mount is located within Israeli sovereignty, the popular satellite map program Google Earth divides the city and places the Temple Mount – Judaism's holiest site – within Palestinian territory. ( ! ! ! )

Interactive Google Earth maps mark eastern sections of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount as "occupied territory," set to become part of a future Palestinian state.
This is absolutely untrue. The Temple Mount is NOT and has never been part of any negotiations!

Google Earth states it demarcates its maps according to international standards, but no Israeli-Palestinian negotiations – even the failed Camp David final-status negotiations in 2000 – ever placed the Temple Mount within Palestinian territory.

The United Nations considers eastern sections of Jerusalem, recaptured by Israel during the 1967 Six Day War, to be "disputed."
NO! The UN considers ALL of Israel to be "disputed."
The UN is pro-Palestinian.

"Google Earth is reinforcing lies," said Rabbi Chaim Rechman, director of the international department at Israel's Temple Institute. "The Muslims have engaged in a systemic campaign to re-write history and erase any traces of Judaism from the Temple Mount in total disregard to all actual archeological and historic evidence," he continued." Now Google Earth has given in to this campaign."

Comments on other Google Earth images claim Israel plans to divide parts of Bethlehem, even though no such plan exist.

Google Earth is also accused of showing falsified images. Visitors to Google Earth who click on an area just outside Jerusalem can view a computer-generated image claiming to depict an Israeli missile factory. Israeli defense officials told WND the "missile factory" is a total fabrication.

Terror leader: 'Congratulations to Google Earth'
Abu Nasser, second-in-command of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group, said he was "thrilled" by Google Earth's depictions. "Congratulations to Google Earth," Abu Nasser told WND.

"We congratulate Google and the American people in making this very important change in the Middle East. The Al Aqsa Mosque (located on the Temple Mount) is part of Jerusalem, and Jerusalem is part of Palestine. If such a big institution like Google corrected these historical mistakes on maps, maybe we can bring about a change in the depictions of Palestine by the American media, which is controlled by the Zionists."

According to Abu Nasser, whose terror group says it is trying to liberate the Al Aqsa Mosque, the Jewish Temple never existed. "At least not on the area Jews now call the Temple Mount.," he said. "Maybe a Temple existed somewhere, but not in Jerusalem. The Temple Mount exists only in the imaginations of the Jews and Americans."

Abu Nasser's Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades is the declared "military wing" of PLO President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party. The Brigades, together with the Islamic Jihad terror group, has taken responsibility for every suicide bombing in Israel the past two years, including an attack in Tel Aviv in April that killed American teenager Daniel Wultz and nine Israelis.


Gayle said...

Dang! I have Google Earth on my pc, so I'm going to have to check this out.

Good post Paula, and you're right: "The UN considers ALL of Israel to be "disputed" and it's obvious to anyone with half-a-brain!

Gayle said...

By the way, your blog is looking great! (Now for a blogroll or two?)

detroitdavid said...

as a jew who believes that Jesus is the true messiah, i'm appalled that google would even think for a moment that the temple mount never existied, or that israel is really a palestine country. obviosly google doesn't know that there's no such thing a palestinian, it's just a made up name for some arab nomads that had been kicked out of there own countries. there just a race started by integrating multiple arab together (iranians, lebenese & others).

when Jesus returns the world will see the truth, that God gave israel to the jews, and that the temple will sit on mount moriah.

Las Vegas, Nv. USA

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